Friday, 29 November 2013

A bit more doctoral training!

So Tuesday and Wednesday were busy days for me. Three sessions of Doctoral Training(DT) and the Cranfield Biodiversity working group meeting. To most people I guess that doesn't sound busy, but when you work from home, being let out into social situations is rather exciting!!

My two types of special list paper and filofax with standard bee and pink glittery pen
The first DT session was on time management. It was such a good session, with a really interesting guy, Richard Maun who has studied at Cranfield and is now a business coach, amongst other things. It was nice to have a real world speaker, rather than an academic. I was rather giddy about the amount of times he mentioned lists and filofaxes...two of my favourite things.

My aims pinned underneath my original JD Holden
The other two training sessions were on planning personal development (PDP) and stages of research. Both of which were really interesting and reminded me that I need to stay focused on my Aims and Objectives. It was suggested I print them out and have them on display by my desk. The PDP session advised us to 'self reflect' to find things we want to improve.
I have chosen some things that I want to work of them is communication and I might treat you all to a VLOG in the not too distant future!

No better music to work to!

The Cranfield Biodiversity Working Group is something I really enjoy being involved in. Increasing the biodiversity on campus is really exciting, and involves some of the seeding that I have already done with Urban BESS. 

I've really gone for it with this paper by Christmas challenge and I'm feeling confident it can be done! Especially now I have found my perfect work music. Best film ever. Best sound track ever.

I've also been on BBC Radio Leicester and photographed by the Leicester Mercury whilst queuing for Kasabian tickets today. Feeling very patriotic towards my home town! Oh and I was also wearing my LCFC hat and bright red lipstick...just in case! I'm sure this all fits in with my PDP for improving communication skills!

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