Today I got in my car to drive to Cranfield, and my window wipers don't work. My window wipers, how do they even break?? I'm not pretending like it hasn't happened before, because I have previously been trapped in Cranfield on an extraordinarily rainy day due to a window wiper malfunction...I got the nice Green Flag man out and he fixed it. So why is it happening again? Annoying, but at least my supervisor told me he won't be there either, so it was mainly going to be a social visit!
A social visit?! Friends?! In Cranfield?! Yes! My lovely friend Kat, who I was friends with during our undergrad, and shared a bunk with in Belize, is now at Cranfield! We have been sharing a supervisor for 4 months and not even noticed. Amazing! I was also going to bully her into helping me out and doing the odd bit of weeding on our Cranfield biodiversity plots, but I can bully her into it next week instead now. I had also arranged to meet seeding and weeding friend James for a coffee, and do the same bit of bullying for more of his spectacular weeding skills, he is just so good at it (I'm hoping he will read this and thus offer his services).
L-R Two helpful council lads with rakes, James, Me with a wild carrot! |
I am excited for the biodiversity working group this month, as I have actually got some things to bring to the table, a few ideas and things that I have done. I'm going to get the group to read through an article I am writing for the Cranfield student magazine, which I think will help explain some of the biodiversity plots, and also help in recruit weeding volunteers.
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